Still a work in progress, but thatś why Iḿ sharing this with you all. To make it, means to fake it. All of which you see here in front of you is legit. This is a Domestic Cleaning Service. Meaning I will go as far as I need too, to make your wishes come true! Now, I know weŕe not all together. But, one thing I have learned is YOUR EXPERIENCE can help OTHER PEOPLE. I am not charging an arm and a leg right now. Actually itś very cheap. At first I will offer a small variety of deals && some basic cleaning to have you wanting more! Then gradually we will lift off and I hope to become a well known buisness owner, entrepreneur, success story! I am also willing to share MY personal stories to help guide YOU through your problems and share my secrets so that you know I am human and only here to help. I hope you enjoy this and when itś up and running I will be thrilled for you to be a part of it. Thank you!!